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A special project code-named Maruta used human beings for experiments. They were fond of using syphilis in these scenarios. Fourth Division Inside Unit 731 it was the Fourth Division that focused on the development of deadly organisms and pathogens. Testimonials of survivors are readily available and have been extensively filmed thanks to director Steven Spielberg and the Shoah Foundation. The shit that went down on the inside was kept so secret that construction workers were allegedly shot after their work was completed to keep it all hushed. The victims suffered horribly and at least they didn't have to continue living their lives suffering with the after effects of the experiments. We learned the most effective way of treating frostbite—not to rub the affected limbs, but to immerse them in water between 100 and 122 degrees Fahrenheit. I call him Log-boy! It was a whole government of dumbass pseudo-samurai nerds. There isn't much known about the guy before his commissioning and service as a surgeon in the Imperial Japanese Army in 1921. Maybe they figured they would have to fight Russia one day, and winter would be a great time to do it. No matter how desperate American survivors from Mukden, like Gregory Rodriquez of Oklahoma, tried to tell how they were used by Unit 731 for human experiments, an accusation verified by Naoji Uezono, former member of Unit 731, U.S. Congress turned a deaf ear , thereby being irresponsible for paying their medical benefits and compensations. Films such as Spielberg's Schindler 's List have made this horrible chapter in human history accessible to … A mass cover-up by the Japanese government, the destruction of most incriminating evidence, and the obscure existence of survivors living in shame, all lend a hand in making Unit 731 disappear from history. It's hilariously sad. It operated covertly for ten years since 1935 in Harbin, China, and was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by Imperial Japan, due to … That puts Bo more under the radar as far as points, and for the fans. Unit 731 was established by order of Hirohito himself. If you had to die and were given the pick, I'd say weapon testing was a quick and metal as fuck way to go! It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Japanese personnel. Haha! Al­most 70% of the vic­tims who died in the Ping­fang camp were Chi­nese, in­clud­ing both civil­ian a… Other victims were dehydrated to the point of death. They contained feet, heads, internal organs, all neatly labeled. He later upgraded this delivery method to placing fleas in ceramic "bombs" that would break on impact and not kill the fleas as an explosion would do, obviously. 1936–1945: Unit 731 — the Asian Auschwitz — was a massive biological warfare research program of the Japanese Imperial Army under the command of Lt. General Dr. Ishii Shiro in Pin Fang, Manchuria outside the city of Harbin. I don't fucking know, but if it made your eyes bleed and violently squirt out of your anus, Shiro Ishii was more than happy to give it to you! Hand freezes, lose a hand. According to the ... No one knows how many people were "born" into Unit 731, but according to The New York Times, there were no survivors in the end. Legs and arms were amputated without administering anesthesia. Well, not really, this article isn't going that deep due to time constraints. As a lot of crazy happened once they entered the building, I'm going to break it down. They desired to see the damage syphilis does to the internal organs as it progresses in severity. Initially, I'd intended to make this a two-parter, but that would have led me into the various deals made between MacArthur and Japan's Emperor, Hirohito. They contained feet, heads, internal organs, all neatly labeled. C'mon, bruh. In one case, a subject developed a fever of 104 degrees. It's one thing for me to say someone was infected with a disease. OoOoOO, get your fucking conspiracy helmets on, boys! Unit 731 began in 1931 as a disease prevention unit. Test subjects were gathered from the surrounding population and were sometimes referred to euphemistically as "logs" (丸太, maruta), used in such contexts as "How many logs fell?". Presenting at 112th Annual Meeting of Pacific Coast Branch, Background of Biochemical Warfare Development, Imperial Japan's Chemical Warfare Development Program, The Japanese Invasion & Conquest of the Philippines, Formation of Underground Philippines Resistance, United States Army Forces in the Philippines of Northern Luzon (USAFIP-NL), Chinese and Filipino-Chinese Nationalist Guerrilla Units, The Female Faces of the Philippine Guerrillas, Japanese Occupation of the Philippine Islands: Pinays Answering the Call to Arms, The Fierce Heneralas and Kumanders of the Hukbalahap Guerrillas, Filipina American Veterans: Recovering the Extraordinary Feats of the Ordinary Pinays, Social Changes and Challenges in Singapore, Phibun’s Domestic and International Policies, Seeking Justice: A Humanities Lesson Plan. Unit 731 had a freezer that could be set to 50°F below zero. However, from the look of the guy in his picture, I'm willing to wager he wasn't the biggest hit with the ladies and probably spent a lot of time jerking off into the socks he found after being stuffed into a locker by the aikido team in high school. Unit_731_Survivor 13 points 14 points 15 points 3 months ago . I so funny! Its true purpose was masked as the Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory. Life expectancy at the camp was roughly a month and if a subject survived an experiment but lacked the fortitude to continue in his great sacrifice for the Emperor, they were executed. But he is simply the best player on this team to do that role, which is vital. To study STDs, Unit 731 prisoners were used as human test subjects. Unit 731 began operating in 1937 in Harbin, undisturbed by the Manchukuo puppet government. Then the following would occur: Fingers would be broken off and, if I recall, even frozen flesh pulled off the bone of living victims. Unit 731 was based at the Pingfang district of Harbin, the … !Today we’re going to talk about the darker aspects of war. Shiro Ishii, the mastermind behind Japan’s … The Unit 731 headquarters contained many other such jars with specimens. Just get tied to a stake and have dudes toss grenades at you to test out shrapnel patterns and impact damage. Sometimes, you just get fucked over, and then, my friend, you die from mega bubonic ultra herpes. The Soviet threat was looming on the horizon, and Macarthur definitely didn't want Stalin getting his hands on Ishii's data. Unprecedented ways of Unit 731. As a cover to the public, the place was officially called the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army. Survivors of the … (continued) With science and medicine as its stated purpose, Unit 731 was called upon to develop cures for sexually transmitted diseases, which had begun to spread among the Japanese army due to soldiers’ rape of civilians and sex with comfort women. That last part could have just been a bit of movie drama added to a film I saw on the topic, but I would not put it past this group of psycho scientist. Haha! The bomber’s commander was separated from his crew and sent to Tokyo for interrogation, while the other survivors were taken to the anatomy department of Kyushu University, at Fukuoka, where they were subjected to vivisection or killed. But holy shit, anyone with a black/white/no grey sense of justice is going to hate reading this story. Ac­cord­ing to A.S. Wells, the ma­jor­ity of vic­tims were mostly Chi­nese (in­clud­ing ac­cused "ban­dits" and "Com­mu­nists"), Ko­rean, and So­viet, al­though they may also have in­cluded Eu­ro­pean, Amer­i­can, and Aus­tralian pris­on­ers of war. Were there any survivors from flight 93? Damage to the mother's organs and the fetus's survival rate was a point of interest to the researchers, but trust me, they didn't really care about the baby after the testing was completed. But, Nah, the girls just stuffed that bitch in a locker and went out to get their pussies pounded by the kendo team! Within days, infections and deaths would occur, and Ishii's men would show up in hazmat suits and observe the chaos. Besides using human experimentation, doctors and scientists developed lethal biological weapons as an efficient way to win the war against the world. Hence, all other bullshit aside, infecting his test subjects, watching them die, and trying to find a way to speed that shit up was his bread and butter. WANG JIANWEI/CHINA DAILY. Led by Lieutenant-General Ishii Shiro, 3,000 Japanese researchers working at Unit 731’s headquarters in Harbin infected live human beings with diseases such as the plague and anthrax and then eviscerated them without anesthesia to see how the … Ah ha ha, Ishii, you so clever! Fuck that! The unit was supported by Japanese universities and medical schools which supplied doctors and research staff. Unit 731 was based at the … The second war crime was the Nanjing Massacre. Unit_731_Survivor 18 points 19 points 20 points 3 months ago My kneejerk reaction is bad too. Unit 731 was just one of many Japanese units concerned with biological warfare during … Haha!). The main organisms they developed were Yersinia pestis - Bubonic Plague Bacillus anthracis -Anthrax Vibrio cholerae - Cholera Clostridium tetan -Tetanus He opted to refer to his subjects as non-human primates called "Manchurian monkey." Bio-Research:— Unit 731 was a Japanese biological warfare and research unit based in China, Manchuria, consisting of several divisions. But it was all right because Shiro didn't need people for friendships and all that lame shit: he had bacteria! Because bacteria just make broads gushing fucking wet and desiring his "short sword" thrust vigorously into their "sheath" to receive his massive samurai spirit! WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN THE UNIT 731? Ok, kids, this is where we start to go all grim-dark, so grab your balls or ovaries and let's roll. Precedent suggests they have almost no chance of winning; Japanese courts have rejected dozens of individual attempts to sue the … If you don't know what that was, the loose gist of it is that doctors told Black guys they didn't have syphilis or it was treated and they weren't treating a fucking thing; they just observed. Unit 731 was divided into eight divisions: Division 1: Research on bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax, typhoid and tuberculosis using live human subjects in a prison was constructed to contain around 300 to 400 people. The ruins of the site of Unit 731 in Pingfang, Harbin. In Aug. 2002, after 27 court hearings since 1997, including testimony by former Unit 731 Japanese soldiers who came forward as witnesses, a Japanese court demonstrated yet again, Japan’s inability to deal with its crimes across Asia. by 108 Chinese survivors and their families in 1997. A. TN's answer to The notorious Unit 731 members from Japan went totally scot-free, I understand , even though they were probably worse than the Nazis. The Unit 731 headquarters contained many other such jars with specimens. As for the mothers, they would just patch them up and use them again for other experiments or just do what the Japanese did … Despite knowledge of a large number of babies born at Unit 731, there are no accounts of any survivors - including children. Building from the ashes, literally, of a previous program, the “Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army” (Unit 731 for short) was authorized in 1936. If the mother was not previously infected with the disease, they'd be sure to hook her up with a free hit of the Pox by forcing an infected patient to have sex with her. Shiro Ishii was born in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, on 25 June 1892. I'm a fucked up person but goddamn, that brutal. As I've stated in a previous writing about the war crimes committed in Nanking in the early 20th century, Japan's brutal fuckery around the time of World War 2 seems to be glossed over in comparison to all the press the Germans received over their internment camps. The doctors thought it would be metal as fuck to see what a fever looks like on the inside of a person's body while they were still alive. So... At the end of the war, Shiro Ishii dodged war crime charges because he had super cool biological research that makes MacArthur's boner hard as fuck. Unit 731 started out as a research unit, investigating the effects of disease and injury on the fighting ability of an armed force. Unit 731 was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) and World War II. Unprecedented ways of Unit 731. As it stands, Japan has refused to officially recognize the existence of Unit 731, there have been no talks… A mass cover-up by the Japanese government, the destruction of most incriminating evidence, and the obscure existence of survivors living in shame, all lend a hand in making Unit 731 disappear from history. Division 2: Research for biological weapons used in the field, in particular the production of devices to spread germs and parasites. These first-hand accounts are from the Unit 731 Exhibition that took place in Japan during 1993 and 1994. Victims were subjected to experiments including but not limited to vivisection and amputations without anesthesia and testing of biological weapons. What? Fourth Division Inside Unit 731 it was the Fourth Division that focused on the development of deadly organisms and pathogens. Wikimedia Commons. Still, as there were no survivors of Unit 731, the kids were either aborted or killed sometime later. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan. Unit 731 was one of the two most infamous, large-scale war crimes committed by Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War. People … It wasn’t until 1984 that Japan finally acknowledged Unit 731 as a real, existing incident in their history. No matter how desperate American survivors from Mukden, like Gregory Rodriquez of Oklahoma, tried to tell how they were used by Unit 731 for human experiments, an accusation verified by Naoji Uezono, former member of Unit 731, U.S. Congress turned a deaf ear , thereby being irresponsible for paying their medical benefits and compensations. When folks read about Nazis sticking people into giant EZ Bake Ovens and running up enormous gas bills in the process, their brains shut down just to deal with that information. These women were forced to become pregnant for use in STD experiments, and the babies born to these women were also used in experiments. Bases were established at various places in China (occupied by Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War), including at Pingfang and Hsinking. A British Major Robert Peaty kept a diary while detained in … Toes freeze, lose toe. Anesthesia was not used because it was believed that anesthetics would adversely affect the results of the experiments. The victims of this atrocity mainly comprised of Chinese, Koreans, and American POW’s. Yes, I made him sound like a fucked up Speed Racer. If they had no other use for the women, they were vivisected at various stages of infection. Its head was Lieutenant Shiro Ishii. Unit 731 (Japanese: 731部隊, Hepburn: Nana-san-ichi Butai) was a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II. However, the program was called "Holzklotz," which is a German word for log, so it wasn't just two dumbass nerds that came up with maruta as a joke. The Unit 731 victim community has been less visible than the comfort women, because there are no known survivors from in-unit human experimentation, and only victim families and those coerced to work in Unit 731 facilities are left to speak.18 But there are survivors of another stage of experimentation: those in China who were subject to Japan's attempts to weaponise the bubonic … This is thought to have originated as a joke among staff ("Haha! The second war crime was the Nanjing Massacre.,,, Unit 731: Japan's Secret Biological Warfare in World War II by Peter Williams, David Wallace pg. Ishii showed no mercy and did not discriminate, experimenting on every single one of his captives. Oh, I forgot! A Google search for "Unit 731" will provide a large number of sites and references, but their usefulness and accuracy is undetermined. Precedent suggests they have almost no chance of winning; Japanese courts have rejected dozens of individual attempts to sue the gov-ernment for wartime wrongs on the … I'm not sure what's complicated about frostbite. That disease appears to be rare as fuck and mainly located in North America. Many babies were born in Unit 731, and children were tested on as there are stories of 7-year-old Russian children (it wasn't just the Chinese in there) in the compound for experiments. So did he have that shit ordered by mail or something? There are no survivors of Unit 731, and maybe it's a good thing. A huge price was paid for that information, which could have been discovered another way. It also operated a secret research and experimental school in Shinjuku, central Tokyo. :Inside :Unit 731 the Japanese conducted research and human experimentation on a scale unlike any in the history of humankind. … So, I mean, that's something, right? I shit you not; they false flagged it the hell up! They were deprived of food and water and injected with plague bacteria and other micro-critters. Female inmates were raped and forced to become pregnant to test the possibility of vertical transmission of diseases from mother to child. I personally think the human brain can only process one massive Exterminatus at a time. Yea, no one has ever thought of doing that! 41. I decided to just wrap it up as I know most people have short attention spans when it comes to reading these days. But to the Kenpeitai and Shiro Ishii, it was Unit 731. As part of Maruta’s study in limb injuries, Hisato routinely submerged prisoners’ limbs in a tub of water filled with ice and had them held until the arm or leg had frozen solid and a coat of ice had formed over the skin. Despite knowledge of a large number of babies born at Unit 731, there are no accounts of any survivors - including children. Or was it that a particular nation decided to cover this man's actions up because he offered them something they couldn't refuse? It's another thing to see it and know what it does to the body. It operated covertly for ten years since 1935 in Harbin, China, and was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by Imperial Japan, due to its extensive use of lethal human experimentation. Many babies were born in Unit 731, and children were tested on as there are stories of 7-year-old Russian children (it wasn't just the Chinese in there) in the compound for experiments. The guards apparently called the genitals of the female prisoners, "jam-filled buns." However, in an account by a man who worked as a junior uniformed civilian employee of the Imperial Ja… Unit 731 was the world's largest and most comprehensive biological warfare programme. In about a decade of existence, those at Unit 731 produced a massive amount of germs, enough to kill the world three times over. Conducting human experiments on Japanese citizens would be highly frowned upon but on the Chinese…well, I'm guessing the government's unofficial stance on them was, "fuck 'em.". Yoshimura Hisato, a physiologist assigned to Unit 731, took a special interest in hypothermia. All jokes aside, Ishii knew his shit when it came to viruses and bacteria and was a surgeon captain by 1925. According to the Atomic Heritage Foundation , Unit 731 was originally started to promote public health and soon turned toward research that would be beneficial to Japanese soldiers, such as testing the ways that the human body fights against disease and withstands thirst and hunger. Ishii had his crew breed fleas carrying strains of bubonic plague, place them in baskets and have low flying planes dump them on nearby villages. Moreover, Hollywood has produced numerous excellent documentaries and dramatic films exploring themes focusing on the Holocaust. Fortunately, this camp had at least one hard-fuck that wasn't about that lab-rat life. The Enola Gay is my screen wallpaper for a fucking month after reading that, and I hope some of these fuckers got a face-full of her payload. It's origins lay in 1894, when Japanese medical officers performed particularly poorly during combat with Chinese forces in East Asia. I was going to title this the "Asian Auschwitz," but some dude already took that idea. This is "toilet and traffic "reading after all. Still, as there were no survivors of Unit 731, the kids were either aborted or killed sometime later. I'm not kidding about that; it happened. They released a list of survivors but they have tried to keep the episode under wraps as much as possible. This turned out to be perfect for Ishii because he was tasked with coming up with biological weapons for Japan at this point but he didn't have a place he could do it in Tokyo without getting in trouble. Unit 731 was a biological and chemical weapons research and development unit of the Japanese Army. So, in 1928, Ishii took a trip over to the West side of the world and conducted substantial research into biological and chemical warfare. Those around him in Unit 731 saw their careers flourish in the postwar period, rising to positions that included Governor of Tokyo, president of the Japan Medical Association and head of the Japan Olympic Committee. I feel like they just conducted these experiments only to up their cunt levels to over 9000. Prisoners were shot in the stomach so that Japanese surgeons could practice removing bullets. The Unit 731 victim community has been less visible than the comfort women, because there are no known survivors from in-unit human experimentation, and only victim families and those coerced to work in Unit 731 facilities are left to speak.18 But there are survivors of another stage of experimentation: those in China who were subject to Japan's attempts to weaponise the bubonic plague based in part … They desired to see it and know what it does to the point of death Kempeitai... But not limited to vivisection and amputations without anesthesia and testing of biological weapons crimes committed Japan! Ruins of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Imperial Japan core of Ishii work! Discovered another way 14 points 15 points 3 months ago number of babies born at Unit 731, a., bubonic plague, and Ishii 's data a fever of 104 degrees sense... I think its unfortunate for Bo to have to have to have to contend with the aim developing! 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By syphilis either by forced sex with an infected male prisoner or by injections another thing see.

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