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It obviously did not work. No more fruitless kitchen hacks. Sweet onions like Vidalias are less cry-inducing than white, red, and yellow onions, so consider trying one of those instead. . Steamy air rises quickly, and it can help draw onion gas away from your eyes while you’re cutting. But an onion doesn't want to make you cry. Utilize Steam. ... How to cut onions without crying Nov. 19, 2014 00:40. You can stop freezing onions, chewing gum and burning candles while slicing and dicing onions. Even though you may love onions, cutting them is probably a completely different story. Onion chopping is one of two things in the world that can consistently make me cry. When you cut an onion, Science Bob says it releases a gas called Propanethiol S-oxide. The problem-causing onion enzymes get released when onion cells are crushed. What makes you cry or tear up is the gases escaping from the onion. (The other is "Friday Night Lights.") Published on 1/10/2016 at 12:05 AM. I Tested and Ranked the Best Ways to Cut Onions Without Crying. Fill a bowl — flat-bottomed works best — with chilled water.Place the onion in the bowl, and slice it under the surface of the water. It's a trick that onions evolved to keep animals from eating them. 9. I do like the taste of onions. If you leave your onions in the fridge, they’ll turn the gas into more of a solid, and they’ll take longer to escape. But certainly caramelized or fried or sautéed as a base of flavor in lentils or chili or braised short ribs. Bruising it allows more gas to escape, and tears. Also, the sharp knife works because it doesn’t bruise the onion. Your instinct is to shut your eyes, which is not the best idea when you have a knife in your hand. What if we told you an onion exists that doesn’t make you cry while cutting it? .. An onion will taste differently depending on how it’s cut. Slice through an onion's cell walls, and chemicals are released into the breach that irritate the eyes. When it’s mixed with certain enzymes in the onion, it creates a sulfur gas. By Wil Fulton. So I chop onions regularly, though not happily. These gasses get into your eyes and create a mild acid that is very irritating. Cutting an onion — it's such a sob story. Dull knives crush more cells than sharp knives do. Not so much raw. Store onions in the fridge. Make sure your knife is super sharp before cutting an onion to minimize the sting! It's just defending itself. Microwaving onions … But if you don't want to wear a pair of goggles to keep those tears from falling, you have to cut your onions in a very special way. It can be a bit cumbersome because the lip of the bowl will inhibit your wrist motion, but if you hold the onion tight and angle the knife safely, the water works to block those irritating enzymes from hitting the air, and thus your eyeballs. So tear free. This isn’t science fiction—it’s a Sunion, and even though it might sound too good to be true, it’s very real. Everyone knows that cutting onions makes you cry, but there’s more to the slice than meets the eye. Find out which technique did the trick for Katie, then weigh in with your favorite onion chopping hacks. 10. You've really got to be a pro at slicing and dicing them without getting frustrated, and even then they can still make your cry—literally.

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