calcium for homemade dog food

Making your dog homemade food is a great way to keep him nourished with healthful ingredients that you get to choose. Safe Calcium Content. When I first started feeding a wholesome raw meat diet in 1993, bonemeal was used. The supplemental bonemeal was meant to simulate the bones our pets would eat naturally in the wild. Meat is naturally low in calcium and extremely high in phosphorus. Foods Rich in Calcium for Dogs. When I ask myself this question and when I think beyond the calcium to phosphorus ratio... when I just think that bones today can be high in heavy metals and toxic elements... when I think that bones are dry and dehydrated... when I think that bonemeal can be extremely expensive... when I think that not all pets will eat bones or can eat bones... when I think about all of this, I naturally find myself disinterested in bones as a calcium supplement even though they contain calcium and even though in the wild, bones are the single largest source of calcium. But once oxidized (exposed to oxygen), the bones become dry and brittle. There are still a lot of unknowns regarding carnivore nutrition and you will always find many differences of opinions. Hallmark Hallmark Business Connections. Without calcium added to the diet, calcium related health problems will begin. The single most important supplement, when feeding a wholesome raw meat diet, is calcium. Why do I not like bonemeal? She also volunteers at an animal shelter and operates a home bakery. Non-meat sources of protein in dog food include low fat cottage cheese, nonfat plain Greek or traditional yogurt and cooked eggs. Let's Take A Closer Look A Natural Homemade Pet Food, An Early Conclusion About Natural Homemade Pet Food. This food is given at least for a month after the surgical removal or the dissolution of the stones, the dog then returns to a normal diet. Bonemeal can therefore be high in heavy metals. Whether you give your dog a commercial dog food or a homemade diet, the best way to monitor your dog’s calcium levels is by checking serum levels in the blood. So when it comes to bonemeal, even though bonemeal contains calcium, bonemeal is no longer considered a good source of calcium but why? Instead, I see bones more as a mineral supplement and something that should be fed maybe once a week. Hallmark Channel. The regular canned dog food might contain calcium, however these foods are processed and many ingredients may lose their nutritional values. Again, just keep reading (: So we know that carnivores in nature can get calcium from bones and potentially other sources like blood, maybe even the dirt on the prey, etc. A dog or cat can still eat bones that have been oxidized (even cooked), but we want to avoid this. An English major, she continues to study information systems management at American Public University. Milk and cheese. Your vet will indicate the type and amount of food your dog should eat on a daily basis. Since ground egg shells are a more concentrated source of calcium than bonemeal, ground egg shells are far more economical — translation — you save money. Carbohydrates are the first source of energy in your dog's body. If you were like me and asleep during class, then this whole ratio thing might have confused you a little. Making a homemade dog food may appear to be a task for a pet owner, but you would realize that it isn’t that tall a task at all given the numerous homemade dog food recipes that you can try. In turn, this helps ensure toxins leave via my stools and not via my skin. Ultimately, it's a personal choice. But that's nature. Some pet owners choose to feed their dogs cooked meat while others choose to feed it to them raw. Simple — we simply want to ensure our pets get additional calcium through the use of a good calcium supplement. You must add calcium to the diet, but using human calcium supplements is not suggested since they do not provide enough calcium nor any of the necessary supportive nutrients. As a result, by feeding bones as a calcium supplement, you may potentially fail to adjust the calcium to phosphorus ratio enough to create the 2:1 ratio. As a result, by the time the bones are ground into bonemeal, most of the nutrients have been boiled out. Lions will feast on a zebra by eating the meat but the lions will leave the bones for the hyenas. The food your dog eats also impacts on the development of calcium oxalate stones. Why do I prefer not to feed bones on a regular basis? Root vegetables (yams as well as carrots) are very important as well. By using finely ground egg shells as the calcium supplement for our pets, we can very easily balance our pet's body so there is more calcium than phosphorus in their body. So if we rely solely on bones as the source of calcium, what can we do if our pets won't or can't eat bones? Bones are not only a source of calcium, but bones are also an abundant source of phosphorus. Foods, like chicken, turkey, duck, salmon, beef, lamb and rabbit, provide important nutrients and ample protein to help build and maintain muscle in your dog. Homemade dog food can benefit your canine companion in a number of ways — especially if you have a pet who suffers from allergies, gastrointestinal sensitivity or skin problems. Instead, you might find the ratio of calcium to phosphorus still contains more phosphorus than calcium. If you use non-meat protein and meat protein together in the same recipe, be sure to compensate by using half the recommended amount of meat and half the recommended amount of non-meat protein together to achieve appropriate protein content. If your dog currently eats kibble, consider switching to a canned food, semi-moist food, or rehydrated food. So going by the 2:1 ratio, this means for every 2 parts of calcium in the food, there should be 1 part phosphorus. Moderate protein levels. Why do you mention phosphorus? No need to worry about urine pH again or your dog turning up its nose to commercial specialty foods. To keep him healthy and energized, a portion of his homemade food should consist of the appropriate carbohydrates. A typical pet dog that is at an appropriate weight at 17.5 lbs might eat anywhere from about 400-500 kcal/day and need at least 600 mg calcium daily, so if you figure half her calories come from homemade food, you’d add around 300 mg calcium daily. But the bones are no longer in most of the meats we buy. The supplemental bonemeal was meant to simulate the bones our pets would eat naturally in the wild. This key player in dog food serves three important functions. Firstly, it brings with it a host of health benefits. Because at that time, that's all that was available. Therefore, in the past, myself and many others would suggest adding bonemeal as the source of calcium. When I do give bones to my dogs, I personally prefer to feed chicken necks or backs because they can be easily crushed without us having to worry about them getting stuck or splintering — even if the chicken necks or backs are slightly older and slightly oxidized. Being able to rid my insides of toxins easily is vital to helping keep me a sexy canine on the outside with no extra weight due to a ballooned colon! Best Answer. Most homemade diets that I’ve looked at have between 0.5 and 1.25 mg phosphorus per kcal, so giving 1.25 mg calcium per kcal will provide most dogs with an appropriate amount of calcium and a proper calcium:phosphorus ratio. These formulas also have the appropriate amount of calcium for general health, yet low enough to aid in the management of oxalate crystals and stones. I like the ease of adding the powdered additional calcium to my homemade dog food. This will keep him interested in his food and provide balanced nutrition. Later, I will even teach you how to make your own calcium supplement (if you want to do it). Before you begin your dog on a raw meat diet, consult his veterinarian for a consultation and checkup. Yogurt. So for all of those Martha Stewart fans, put on your apron, it's time to get cracking! I would like to quickly mention that you should never feed cooked bones to your dog or cat because they can splinter. Bones provide plenty of minerals to our pets but at the same time, bones can also provide the body with too many heavy metals especially lead, mercury, etc. Dog's digestive tracts may not accommodate raw or undercooked veggies, and may cause him stomach upset and gas, but cooking the vegetables helps to stave off this problem. Also, they’re handy as a snack or a treat. Alternately, you may purchase bone meal to add calcium to your dog's food. The food used to dissolve struvite stones contains: Moderate protein content 15 to 20%. If you are one of those people who give their dog scraps and bones from meals … Our pets need twice as much calcium in their diet as phosphorus. Should a cat catch a rabbit, then since the bones are larger in size, the cat will eat the meat and leave the bones. Thankfully, there’s general agreement among the experts. Healthy Foods to Feed Your Dog. If you feed 8 ounces of food daily, split between two meals, add 200 to 250 milligrams plain calcium, or 1/8 teaspoon ground eggshell, or 250 to 300 milligrams of calcium from bone meal, to each meal. With proper calcium supplementation, these diets have proven effective in the management of calcium oxalate crystals. Good vegetable choices for your pooch include broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, green beans, squash and even pumpkin. I've created a series of YouTube videos that you can watch or listen to whenever you want. To meet AAFCO nutrient profiles for growth 3 in large breed puppies, a dog food must contain: 2.0 to 4.5 g calcium per 1000 calories 4 I don't want to wag my tail here too much, but I'm a sexy canine. About. Homemade Dog Food Supplement A blend of 21 vitamins and minerals, Chia seeds for Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids and Natural Kelp is formulated in California, and scientifically balanced for dogs. Add the yogurt on your dog's food: it will soften the dry food and dogs will enjoy it. I repeat, the single most important supplement is calcium. So is it possible that carnivores can get calcium from sources other than just bones? The meat we buy has the blood drained and the bones are either no longer fresh or not part of the meat we buy. Frozen or fresh cooked vegetables work well. A multivitamin may also help your dog to thrive. HOMEMADE DOG FOOD: OVERVIEW 1. Without extensive research we will never know what percentage of calcium comes from bones, blood, etc. Enriched Dog Food: Commercial dog foods in the United States, in order to be considered complete and balanced, need to contain recommended daily dosage of calcium for your dog. If I fed my cats meat with bone, they won't eat it. So a 10-kilogram dog will have to take in about 500 mg of calcium every day. Chicken Dinner with Desert. Egg shells are extremely high in calcium and contain virtually no phosphorus! Providing finely ground egg shells as a supplement is the single most important supplement you can give your pet that is eating a wholesome raw meat diet. Myself, I simply feel more comfortable using ground egg shells as the source of calcium for the reasons mentioned above. Over the years, as homemade pet food started to get more popular, advances have been made in terms of supplements for our pets. However, if you only fed homemade pet food as described thus far, then you would not provide all that your dog or cat requires nutritionally. A homemade diet with any meat or dairy product and white rice is an oxalate free diet. The Voice of Stray Dogs or VOSD is the 6 year-old non-profit that is already the world’s largest citywide dog rescue and rehab. When it comes to essential nutrients, calcium carbonate is one of the most important. Bonemeal used for gardening purposes would be poisonous to your pet. Make sure it has the appropriate nutritional value for the number of calories it provides your pooch. Why do we want a high calcium and low phosphorus supplement? In addition to chicken bones, I sometimes also feed a duck carcass which includes the bones. The preceding pages have outlined some of the simple principles that will guide us while preparing and making wholesome homemade pet food for dogs and cats. Fresh food helps maintain regularity naturally. For added calcium, process an egg shell in your food processor until it is a fine powder and mix it into the dog's food. Dogs with certain medical conditions or who have compromised immune systems should not be given raw meat. Founders Veterinary Clinic recommends switching the protein sources, including different kinds of meat and non-meat, when you make your dog food. Well, it is true that many do feed bones to their pets for the calcium. So that was interesting. Non-meat protein sources should total 1/2 to 3/4 cups of cottage cheese or yogurt or 3 to 4 eggs per 20 pounds of your pet's body weight per day. Of course, the specs depend on your dog's age, breed, activity level, … If the bone splinters, it can get stuck in the throat, stomach, intestinal tract, etc requiring emergency surgery. Stick to lean meats and remove skin from the poultry you feed unless your dog is … Founders Veterinary Clinic: Home Cooking: The Alternative to Pet Foods. Having control over what ingredients go into the food your dog consumes is rewarding and can help keep your pet safe if he has allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients. So in nature, carnivores simply don't eat bones every day. Posted in VOSD Vet Advice | Tagged calcium for homemade dog food, calcium rich foods for dogs, good calcium for dogs, sources of calcium for dogs. It's important to note that when I talk about bonemeal, I am not referring to the bonemeal you find at your favourite garden center (unless you want your pet to flower). Your homemade food should contain 1 to 2 cups of cooked rice, pasta or potatoes per 20 pounds of your dog's body weight per day. So until something better comes along, I will continue to use and suggest ground egg shells. Extra tip: decrease the amount of food, but increase the number of servings of food each day. As a result, even to meet the minimum ratio of 1:1, a lot of calcium is needed. Good meat options include lean ground or shredded chicken with the skin removed, lean ground beef or lean beef steak, skinless turkey or duck, lean cuts of lamb and rabbit, or salmon or other boneless fish. Let's start from the beginning and work our way forward so that you better understand why good calcium supplementation is extremely important for our pets. Your pet needs protein (animal meat, seafood, dairy, or eggs), fat (from meat or oil) and carbohydrates (grains or vegetables). An arctic wolf will eat the bones and meat of the arctic hare, but if the wolf caught a musk oxen, then the wolf would only eat the meat and leave the massive bones. When reviewing #1 and #2, we see that meat is low in calcium and high in phosphorus while bones provide both calcium and phosphorus. What if your pets won't eat bones? Plain white rice or white pasta will suffice as well, but brown rice and whole grain pasta provide an extra dose of fiber, which will help to keep your pet's digestive tract healthy. Make sure you supplement your dog’s homemade diet with calcium unless you feed raw meaty bones.. 3. Non-meat protein sources can be used alone in the food or you can use them alongside meat sources. This is where phosphorus, as mentioned above, becomes a factor and where the mathematics start to happen! But, I know what you are asking — what about those people who say bones are a good source of calcium? One therefore needs to ideally feed a calcium supplement that is high in calcium and low in phosphorus to help create a balance in the daily calcium and phosphorus intake. So with all of this realized, what's the alternative to bonemeal and/or bones? You can buy finely ground egg shells or you can make your own egg shell supplement by collecting and grinding the egg shells yourself. Why? Let's take a deep breath for a second — because not only are we talking about pet nutrition at the moment, but we are talking about mathematics in the form of ratios! Instead of thinking of bones as calcium source now, I think of bones as a mineral source. Not all pets should eat bones. 2 … Chicken, Broccoli and Rice Dinner for Dogs. What dog supplements for homemade dog food you will need to use will depend on two factors: (1) nutrients missing from the recipe's ingredients, (2) your dog… I had used egg shells in the past and it was coarse and more expensive. Hemera Technologies/ Images. Carbohydrates. Dogs' bodies are designed to kill bacteria in their food better than a human body can, but this is a personal choice. Good carbohydrate choices include brown rice, whole grain pasta, white potatoes and sweet potatoes. Why? Since the raw meat diet stimulates the highly acidic stomach of a carnivore — and since calcium requires acid to be extracted from the food so the body can absorb it, only those pets eating a raw meat diet should have a calcium supplement added to their diet. I also prefer not to feed bones on a regular basis to my pets as a source of calcium. Bonus: Demodectic Mange — Before and After — a must view and the before and after pictures are truly amazing... images courtesy of of Gracie (: Follow the story of my most recent rescue and get other news by following me on Facebook. For those that don't know, the ancient Romans made their water system using lead pipes. Bones can also contain some toxic elements due to the fact that toxic elements, when ingested, can be stored in the bones. Since there is no money to be made in promoting natural homemade pet food, the pet food companies and veterinarian associations will not invest the money needed to do the research to get the answers. My videos are meant to take you on a journey of thoughts to help maximize the clarity of your own thoughts and approach to how you care for and love your pets. Now, I know what you're thinking and you're right, beauty comes from within, and it does! 3 tsps sea salt. Without extensive research we will never know what percentage of the diet should be bones. » Why Feed Natural Homemade Pet Food?Print Page. This might be how it works in nature, but for us humans, it's better or easier to try and balance the calcium needs of our pets daily. Since lead is a concern, this is one reason for not feeding bonemeal. Examples of such problems include dental problems, osteoporosis, kidney problems and more. As mentioned above, egg shells are actually a great choice because they’ve been shown to contain even greater amounts of calcium. In fact, in 1993 I can't remember anyone promoting or suggesting that people feed bones to their pets. If I had access to fresh prey whereby the bones were also fresh, then I would happily feed bones to my pets on a regular basis — but alas my dear friend, that is not the reality of my situation and probably not the reality of your situation. So please keep reading to learn more about calcium and the importance of calcium in homemade pet food. The importance of supplemental calcium cannot be stressed enough. Finely ground egg shells are not boiled like bones to make bonemeal, thus there is full nutrition in the ground egg shells. Egg. Raw eggs can carry salmonella, as well as lead to a biotin deficiency in dogs.3 An important note:Eggs are however slightly higher in phosphorus, so don’t go overboard. Add to the finished food one tablespoon of olive or canola oil per 20 pounds of your dog's body weight per day to keep his coat healthy and shiny. Last but not least, bonemeal is now difficult to find, more expensive to have shipped due to its weight and because larger doses are needed, you actually spend more money when compared to ground egg shells. Consult your veterinarian regarding brand and dosage as this can vary based on your dog's breed and size. Meet Jumbo, the participant in The Sick Pet Project. In addition to the main ingredients, you may want to add some supplements into your dog's food to keep him healthy. Their sharp teeth and hunting instincts make them natural meat eaters. How much calcium do I add to homemade dog food? Vet-Approved Recipe #2: Founder’s Veterinary Clinic of Brea, California, offers a sample recipe for … With ground egg shells you do not need to be concerned about mad cow's disease. Please note, all of the above information is for pets eating a wholesome raw meat diet only. Something went wrong. When it comes to dogs, it's no secret that they love meat. 1/4 tsp eggshell powder provides about 500 mg calcium, which is in the right range. Now, since bones can store such nutrients as lead and other heavy metals, it is important to ensure the bonemeal being fed is low in lead. What if your pet is older and the bones crack their teeth? So, are these people wrong or right? Instead, I simply focus on providing good nutrition and letting the body do the rest. If you do not have your own supply of egg shells or if you don't have time to make your own finely egg shell powder, then you can buy finely ground egg shells at a very affordable price. You also just read that you can make your own calcium supplement. I've enjoyed greater success helping people and their pets by suggesting ground egg shells than I ever did by using bonemeal. I eat carefully and read human nutrition books—I just follow similar principles with my dog. A clean colon will help give you a wonderful and vibrant Body Design By Katherine! Feed your dog a wide variety of foods from different food groups.. 2. But the bones are no longer in most of the meats we buy. To keep him healthy … Using a good calcium supplement to help counter balance the high phosphorus content of meat is the single most important supplement you can give to help improve the health of your pets. One could argue that some days a carnivore eats a lot of bones and on other days the carnivore eats less. We buy our meat from the unnatural grocery store. Last update: Sep 13, 2020 1 answer. There are numerous reasons why bonemeal and bones are not suitable as a calcium supplement for our pets: But wait, here's the most important reason why you should not consider bones and/or bonemeal as a good calcium supplement for your pets. Mother Nature knows the answer but unfortunately she is not returning any of my phone calls! According to Founders Veterinary Clinic, you should feed your dog 1/4 to 1/3 pound of meat per day for each 20 pounds of his body weight. If our pets do not get enough calcium in their diet, then our pets are more susceptible to health problems relating to excess phosphorus in the body including kidney problems. 0 You liked it! In addition to meats, non-meat protein sources can be added to your dog's homemade food. You see, in my case, my bowel is so clean, I can't help but be sexy. When using something like bones as a calcium supplement, your pet can actually becomes calcium deficient. So, using 2.5%, your dog would eat about 1.5 lbs (or 24 oz) of food per day. This is a … When I talk about bonemeal, I am talking about nutritional grade bonemeal that is for human consumption and that is found at your local health food store. When she spoke with urologists who deal with human kidney stones, Bean learned that supplementing homemade food with calcium citrate neutralizes oxalates in urine, so she began giving it to her dogs with meals while avoiding all other mineral supplements. But old bones can splinter due to oxidation and/or cooking. Okay, so that's why I neither use bones nor bonemeal as a calcium supplement. As other reviewers have mentioned, the broccoli and cauliflower may cause gas in some dogs. Please try again later. Okay, now I know you are wondering — what's the deal with phosphorus? Select a nutritious homemade dog food recipe your vet or pet nutritionist has given you the OK to prepare. So, how do I safely ser… There's that word again — phosphorus. Fresh bones have not been exposed to oxygen for too long and thus are, relatively speaking, soft and supple. Raw meat is extremely low in calcium while extremely high in phosphorus. Over the years, I have come to worry less about obtaining perfection. If this is the case, then let me summarize by saying the following: I've been personally using and suggesting ground egg shells since about the year 2000. Your dog requires a certain amount of protein in his diet for balanced nutrition, but diets that are too high in protein can lead to stone formation (particularly calcium oxalate and urate stones). Highly-processed foods also tend to lose nutritional value, whereas making dog food from scratch maintains more of the vital nutrients during the cooking process. While it is true that bones will provide the largest single source of calcium, the reality is that carnivores don't eat bones every day. My cats, they are not actually interested in eating bones. “Citrate is an important natural inhibitor of calcium oxalate stones,” she says. If the lions caught a young animal, then they would eat the meat and the bones. Pets need a 2:1 ratio between calcium and phosphorus (nobody knows the exact ratio — some say 1:1, some say 1.5:1, but I still use 2:1. Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Oxalates . I personally use and recommend finely ground egg shells. Now, in the past, I used to always tell people that our pets would obtain calcium by eating some or all of the bones of their prey. Alison Sweeney shares her family's homemade dog food recipe. Therefore, in the past, myself and many others would suggest adding bonemeal as the source of calcium. It is an ingredient that your dog would struggle to live without. Leeann Teagno has been writing professionally since 2006. That’s why it’s so important to feed a dog food that contains an amount of calcium considered safe for large breed puppies. Most bonemeal supplements are made from bones that have been first boiled, usually to make gelatin. In nature, bones are hard of course, but they are also naturally soft or more supple. Bonemeal, slowly but surely, was no longer viewed as a suitable or acceptable form of calcium supplementation for pets. So let’s say you fed him 0.5 lb lamb ribs and 1 lb meat and organ meats. Additionally, what if your pet has no teeth? Azestfor Canine Nutritional Supplement when used in conjunction with the 16 free Azestfor recipes makes homemade dog food diets complete and balanced. In order to make low lead bonemeal, one needs to use the bones of young cows and many, including myself, do not feel totally comfortable doing this. Although carnivores may not eat bones every day, one thing is for sure, carnivores eat blood with every meal. This is usually the most common source of calcium for dogs and, in healthy adult dogs, provides adequate amounts of calcium. In our recent blog on preventive care for dogs, we discussed how wellness visits with your veterinarian will empower you to stay up to date on your dog’s health status. To decrease the chances of your dog developing bladder stones, you should avoid feeding foods that contain high levels of oxalate such as spinach, sweet potatoes, organ meat and brown rice. Using bonemeal as a calcium supplement is how I used to do things, but no more. If you use bone meal that provides 1,200 milligrams calcium per teaspoon, add ½ … To understand why, it's important to read #1 and #2 again. Highly digestible nutrients. Natural products such as yogurt are a great source of calcium for your dog. Some common supplements that are used in homemade dog food are: Calcium supplements (some opt to use crushed eggshells as an alternative) Let's take four steps backwards for a moment and talk a little more about the history of calcium supplementation for our pets. Anyway, I am not opposed to bones. Renal feed for dogs can be found in shops. Pets eating cooked meat and/or commercial pet food will not make enough acid thus causing the calcium to be stored, often in the joints leading to arthritis, etc. Now, I know what you are thinking — you are wanting to know right now, if calcium is so important, then please tell me now what sort of calcium supplement I should provide my pets! If the bones that we feed are oxidized and can potentially lead to other health problems, what can we do to still ensure our pets get enough calcium? Stunningly, bones and teeth contain approximately 85% of phosphorus in the body — that's a whopping amount of phosphorus in bones. As an example, if the food contains 2 grams of calcium, the food should contain 1 gram of phosphorus. Bones, by nature, store nutrients including heavy metals such as lead and mercury. High salt content. 1 ¾ cups rice. At that time, lead was known by its Latin name which is. Using whole, fresh meats (with bones and skin) to be deboned after cooking is best that your dog can get some of its calcium, glucosamine, and chondroitin from the bones. To satisfy your curiosity, the calcium supplement I now use is finely ground egg shells because they are extremely high in calcium, contain negligible amounts of heavy metals and contains almost no phosphorus. Ideally, if we were to feed bones, the bones would be fresh so they maintain their moisture and suppleness. Your homemade food should contain 1/2 to 1 cup of cooked vegetables per 20 pounds of your dog's weight per day, if you choose to add them. Fresh food helps maintain friendly bacteria in my colon also. While the amount of calcium in blood may be significantly less than bones, there is calcium (and other nutrients including phosphorus). The vegetables you choose to add into your dog's food should be cooked well to a soft texture. You've just learned about the single most important supplement — calcium. Eggs are rich in protein, fatty acids, and calcium. I'm extremely vibrant and I owe it all to eating fresh wholesome foods. The best way to ensure your pets are getting twice as much calcium as phosphorus is by using finely ground egg shells as a calcium supplement.

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