tokyo firebombing deaths

As midnight approached, the coastal watchers were the first to hear the long hums of the B-29s. It was considered a legitimate option by LeMay. Out of nervousness, LeMay opened up in an uncharacteristic fashion. Alongside the two atomic bombings, the firebombing of Tokyo remains obscure. Estimates of the number of people killed in the bombing of Tokyo on 10 March differ. Father Bitter also recorded, in an almost poetic fashion, the effect of the light and shadows on the planes above: “The red and yellow flames reflected from below on the silvery undersides [of the planes] so that they were like giant dragon flies with jeweled wings against the upper darkness.”. March 10 is the 70th anniversary of the Great Tokyo Air Raid. On the 70th anniversary of Tokyo’s fire bombing, relatives are asking for a real tribute to its victims or that of any of the great conflagrations of the western world—London, 1666. . From their base at Saipan American Superfortresses have been making the trip of 1,500 miles to bomb Tokyo. In Hiroshima the device targeted a major military base and is believed to have instantly killed 15,000 Japanese soldiers. This Analysis will explore the firebombing of Tokyo as a wartime strategy of the United States, as well as exploring how the firebombing brought destruction to the Japanese homeland. It started out like a regular mission. Lt. Richard Gross served as a B-29 navigator on 35 missions over Japan in 1945. He took out his slide rule and began to calculate the change in weight from the enormous savings in fuel, which would allow the planes to carry more bombs. . In Europe, you had the Russians and the Germans — especially the Nazis — bombing civilians. It damaged a greater area and led to more deaths than either of the two nuclear bombings. We were burning houses, but we didn’t think about the people. It was also seen as payback for the Pearl Harbour attacks and the mistreatment of Allied prisoners of war. Firebombing is a bombing technique designed to damage a target, generally an urban area, through the use of fire, caused by incendiary devices, rather than from the blast effect of large bombs. The death toll was on par with the August 6 atomic attack on Hiroshima. The Tokyo Fire Department estimated 97,000 killed and 125,000 wounded. The Japanese later called this the “Night of the Black Snow.” © HistoryOnTheNet 2000-2019. The Japanese would quickly compensate for this, but he thought he could get in a few missions before they figured it out. The planes coming after them from another direction would see the fires that the lead bombers had set and then bomb the area in between. And unlike the U.S. or German industry, which was factory centered, Japanese manufacturing was greatly decentralized—individual parts for airplanes, tanks, and bombs were produced in homes and in backyards. The former would be considered more humane and save resources. These bombings were especially horrifying because no more than two bombs destroyed many homes and killed almost 120 thousand people. The bombing of Dresden was a British-American aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, during World War II.In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on … All rights reserved. It is not a good thing to leave an ex-commander in the same outfit that he commanded.”. Reportedly, over 1 million people had their homes destroyed during the Tokyo bombing that night, and the estimated number of civilian deaths is recorded as 100,000 people. Hamburg was a crucial industrial center with important harbor facilities. The two men, along with their armaments officer and chief engineer, worked out the ordnance questions of the firebombing of Tokyo. The plan was brilliant in its simplicity. ‘We Hated What We Were Doing’: Veterans Recall Firebombing Japan. . I’ve never smelled anything like it since, and I don’t want to. By dawn, more than 100,000 people were dead, a million were homeless, and 40 square kilometers of Tokyo were burned to the ground. I don’t remember how many square miles. In just two days, more than 100,000 people were killed, a million were … Over sixteen square miles of Tokyo—among the most densely populated sixteen square miles in the world—were destroyed. Estimates put the number of people who died in Tokyo that night at 100,000, but the actual number can never be known. More people were killed in the Tokyo firebombing of March 9-10 than in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki five months later. Almost 90% of the bombs dropped on the home islands of Japan were delivered by this type of bomber. Everything started to click, and he extended his calculations into another unprecedented thought. In their hubris, Japanese officials had never built adequate shelters for the civilian population. 64 Japanese cities were firebombed in WWII. Technical Sergeant, 873rd Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group. At its heart it was psychological warfare Only the rear gunner would fly, and he would be there only to observe. It would not have mattered anyway. But if it prolonged the war against a recalcitrant enemy—and Japan was feared for its willingness to send its men, women, and children to their deaths as human weapons—then it might not be so humane after all. There were at least two B-29s I knew of that collided and went down in a smoke cloud. American airmen who took part in the 1945 firebombing missions grapple with the particular horror they witnessed being inflicted on those below. The calculations poured onto the paper, and each one reinforced his conclusions. On February 13–15, 1945, British and American bombers using incendiary bombs created a firestorm in the center of Dresden, Germany, gutting over thirteen square miles of the city. In late February 1945, over 300 B-29s began a night-attack on the city of Tokyo. It was a cold, dry wind, typical of early spring in that region. We had changed from fragmentary bombs to the incendiaries at Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay’s request — or demand. The firebombing of Tokyo did, indeed, kill the most people of any air raid in history — from 80,000 to over 100,000 dead in a single raid. He decided using the incendiary in the firebombing of Tokyo was worth a try. They decided to abandon formation flying altogether. Once Allied ground forces had captured islands sufficiently close to Japan, airfields were built on those islands (particularly Saipan An American aircraft drops napalm on Viet Cong positions in 1965. He knew the men would howl about it all, but he thought he could persuade them with this reasoning: the Japanese anti-aircraft guns—set at higher altitudes—would be ineffective at 5,000 to 7,000 feet. This article is part of our larger resource on the history of aviation in World War Two. His decision made, LeMay worked on the problem with Tom Power who would lead such a mission. Thus the firebombing of Tokyo was seen as necessary. Each plane would fly individually, in three staggered lines between 5,000 and 7,000 feet. No other air attack of the war, either in Japan or Europe, was so destructive of life and property.”, The U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey was more direct: “Probably more persons lost their lives by fire at Tokyo in a 6-hour period than at any [equivalent period of] time in the history of man.”, The Japanese calculated that though they could no longer win the war, Americans might grow weary and allow the Japanese to exact better terms if the price of victory was costly enough. Near the end of the briefing, an intelligence officer asked the question that was on everyone’s mind: “Aren’t firebomb attacks on cities the type of terror bombing used by the RAF that our air force has been trying to avoid?”. The original idea of the Geneva Convention is that civilian targets were out, and it was military targets that should be used. In all, 8,519 clusters would be dropped, releasing 496,000 individual cylinders weighing 6.2 pounds each, resulting in 1,665 tons of incendiaries to be dropped on Tokyo that night. That would have led to the invasion beginning in November 1945 with a second wave to back it up in March 1946. All I can say is that the smell was nauseating. Click here to read more about WW2 aviation. I often questioned how much they could really be doing. LeMay would not hear anything from the planes until sometime after midnight (March 10) Guam time when the bombs were released. I still wouldn’t approve of it today. A majority of the victims died of asphyxiation. More than a million people were left homeless. Now the slide rule was working at double time. The firebombing of Tokyo is often overshadowed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. . Although Tokyo was bombed more than 100 times from November 1944 to the end of the war, the firebombing centered on the Shitamachi district in the early hours of March 10, 1945, was by far the most devastating air raid on the capital. We’re at war with Japan. First Lt. Richard Gross between missions at the B-29 bomber base on Saipan, a United States territory in the Western Pacific. The key development for the bombing of Japan was the B-29 Superfortress strategic bomber, which had an operational range of 3,250 nautical miles (3,740 mi; 6,020 km) and was capable of attacking at high altitude above 30,000 feet (9,100 m), where enemy defenses were very weak. Not just rooftops and houses caught on fire, but the clothes and hair of the people running were also ignited. These accounts have been edited and condensed for length and clarity. I was home in October of that year in my own little bed, and I had not even achieved my 20th birthday. Another two million people left Tokyo, not to return until after the war. Richard Sams. For more coverage of conflict, visit He determined from intelligence reports and his own personal experiences in China that the Japanese had almost no night fighter capability. Afterward, I decided to go to medical school and do something positive for a change. It was terrifying, really. Translator’s Introduction. An American amphibious assault on the Japanese mainland could mean a half a million more lives that the U.S. lost, to say nothing of Japanese death tolls. I’ve always felt bad about that. The death toll was on par with the August 6 atomic attack on Hiroshima. San Francisco, 1906. 2 However, in terms of the number of bombers deployed and tons of bombs dropped, this mission, codenamed Perdition #1, 3 was the largest incendiary attack on Tokyo at that point in the … That meant room for even more bombs. A historian of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey, he is a publisher of popular history, a podcaster, and online course creator. Power told them that they had given this a great deal of thought and explained the reasons they thought it would be okay. Our group, the 497th, was the last one to go in. I was a navigator. But the city of Tokyo had some 5 million people living in it. The B-29 had been created to fly higher than any other plane. Estimates for the death toll in the firebombing of Tokyo range from 70,000 to almost 200,000, with most historians settling for around 130,000. But if you don’t destroy Japan’s capacity to wage war, we’re going to have to invade Japan. The aircraft had largely been stripped of their armaments so that they could carry even more clusters of small incendiary munitions. This was the first information people had that we were going to be bombing the cities. Most of those were low-level nighttime missions dropping firebombs on Japanese cities. The firebombing of Tokyo was horrific. “Here’s another great big bear for you,” LeMay wrote about this reassignment as head of the Twenty-First Air Force in the Marianas. For the latest article from “Beyond the World War II We Know,” a series from The Times that documents lesser-known stories from World War II, The Times spoke to four former B-29 bomber crew members who participated in the firebombings of Japan in spring 1945. The March 10 1945 attack on Tokyo killed more people than the August 9 atomic bombing of Nagasaki. “No matter how you slice it, you’re going to kill an awful lot of civilians. And we were really tossed around from the updrafts. “I never think anything is going to work,” he told McKelway, “until I’ve seen the pictures after the raid. One person said “5,000 feet, you’ve got to be kidding.” And another voice called it a suicide mission. The crew members were brought in and asked if they objected to firebombing the cities of Japan. This investigation reported that the death toll from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima was 260,000, but the figure was adjusted to an estimated 140,000, following a United Nations report in 1976. The more humane tactics of Gen. Haywood S. Hansell— trying to hit only military targets—may not have been all that humane in the end, and probably would have prolonged the conflict. These bombings often overshadow the Firebombing in Tokyo that claimed the lives of over 100,000 Japanese [1], an equitable number to the death toll of the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Thousands and thousands. First Lieutenant, 874th Bomb Squadron, 498th Bomb Group. The seven-volume official history of the US Army Air Forces (USAAF) in World War II devotes just two sentences to it 1, while the most detailed account of the firebombing of Tokyo gives it just five lines. The bombardier’s job would be greatly simplified, because a small group of planes coming from a different direction would drop incendiaries in the front and back of the target zone before the lines of bombers arrived, similar to lighting up both ends of a football field at night. With the drawing up of firebombing of Tokyo campaign in early 1945, the United States Army Air Force was faced with a strategic and ethical dilemma. As historian Edward Drea aptly phrased it, “Undergirding all Japanese strategy was a dismissive view that Americans [were] products of liberalism and individualism and incapable of fighting a protracted war.” The War Journal of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters backed this up in July 1944: “We can no longer direct the war with any hope of success. “We hated what we were doing,” said Jim Marich, one of the airmen who flew over Tokyo that night as part of the B-29 aircrews. At the time, you just didn’t think about those things. After the raid, 79,466 bodies were recovered and recorded. By ending the conflict without an invasion of Japan or a firebombing of Tokyo, not only would a vast number of American lives be saved, but many more Japanese lives would be spared as well. The Tokyo fire department put the casualties at 97,000 killed and 125,000 wounded, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department believed that 124,711 people had been killed or wounded. Before the war’s end, firebombs dropped by B-29s killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens in more than 60 cities before nuclear bombs leveled Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As he considered abandoning the entire reason the B-29 had been developed in the first place, other possibilities began to emerge. In interviews with The Times, Marich, now 94, and three other airmen who took part in the firebombings reflected on their determination to accomplish their missions and get home as soon as possible, while grappling with the particular horror they witnessed being inflicted on those below. miles Tokyo, killing 100,000 and leaving more than 1 million homeless. But one thing people agree on is that the fire raids were probably worse than the atomic bomb. When the crews came into the main hall, Tom Power, who gave the briefing as mission commander, explained that no defensive guns and gunners would be flying on this mission. I didn’t reflect on the war until much later. But that technique had produced no results. . At low altitude like that, I didn’t wear an oxygen mask. Without being asked, LeMay offered some insight into a surprising piece of his personality—his lack of confidence. Another factor in the firebombing of Tokyo was the problem of B-29 bombing inaccuracy at high altitude over Japan. After the war, the United States S… Site created in November 2000. We had a job to do and we did it. Across Tokyo, residents looked up in amazement. If everything around you is burning, what do you do? He rationalized the potentially significant loss of Japanese life on the ground with the following logic: Marines were suffering horrendous casualties on Iwo Jima in slow, agonizing fighting, evidence that the Japanese were becoming even more ferocious the closer Americans came to the home islands. Before that March 10, 1945, assault, named Operation Meetinghouse, the Army Air Forces had been conducting high-altitude, high-explosive “precision” attacks during the day on military sites and factories in Japan, with limited success. Overall, 1,700 tons of bombs were dropped, 16 square miles were burned, and 100,000 people lost their lives. LeMay was there and said nothing. The only course left is for Japan’s one hundred million people (the real count was closer to 72 million) to sacrifice their lives by charging the enemy to make them lose the will to fight.”. The firebombing of Tokyo was over 16 sq. If they couldn’t take out the factories, they could kill the people who worked in them. The firebombing of Tokyo was designed to terrorise and bomb the Japanese into surrender. People who ran to a nearby river for relief found that the water was boiling. How do the death tolls compare to those of other World War Two bombings? But if this one works, we will shorten this damned war out here.”. They burned up an awful lot of Nagoya that night. They would never expect them that low. Earlier in the war, on July 24, 1943, British bombers dropped incendiaries on Hamburg, Germany, killing as many as 40,000 people. A number of people raised their hands. Together they came up with a plan to go in at lower altitudes in a series of massive lightning raids that would occur on consecutive nights, catching the Japanese off guard. It would be unlike anything seen yet in the War: three long lines of bombers coming in at a very low altitude. I thought, Where will the people go? The following article on the firebombing of Tokyo is an excerpt from Warren Kozak’s Curtis LeMay: Strategist and Tactician. Young American officers in the sky dropped hundreds of thousands of bomblets on the working-class section of the city, with its densely packed wooden dwellings mainly inhabited at the time by women, children and men too old to fight. Yet it remains one of the forgotten horrors of the Second World War. And we knew that the war was going to be over pretty doggone soon. But eventually there was enough pressure put on them that they changed their mind. Moscow, 1812. . You can also buy the book by clicking on the buttons to the left. But they justified it by saying people were manufacturing things for the war effort in their homes. Burning large parts The first planes took off on March 9, 1945, starting at 4:36 in the afternoon, with the final bombers lifting off the runway three hours later. Civilians pay the price. There was one part of the operation of the firebombing of Tokyo LeMay was not looking forward to. “But we thought we had to do it. To order this book, please visit its online sales page at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Then, in a sudden fury, everything changed as the incendiaries hit home. The Air Force history of the war records that “the physical destruction and loss of life at Tokyo exceeded that at Rome . Firebombing knocked out half of the factories in Kobe and was part of one of the biggest attacks in the war. Since we were behind other planes, we ran into smoke clouds that could send you up 20,000 feet with the snap of a finger. We were about 200 in. Few Americans have even heard of it, and few Japanese like to dwell on it. Before the planes arrived, winds started gusting at over forty miles an hour. On March 9, 1945, B-29 bombers in the U.S. Air Force began dropping incendiary bombs on the city of Tokyo. We were attacked by Japan,” LeMay later wrote. It was the highest death toll of any air raid during the war, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The fire falling from the sky reminded a German Catholic priest, Father Gustav Bitter, of the tinsel hung on a Christmas tree back home, “and where these silver streamers would touch the earth, red fires would spring up. The first planes to take off would fly at slower speeds in order for the later planes to catch up. However, another bombing raid almost surpassed the death toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined: the firebombing of Tokyo. Should it carry out targeted bombings of military sites or carpet bombings of large cities? Technical Sergeant, 882nd Bomb Squadron, 500th Bomb Group. 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