examples of food resilience measures

Theresa Nogeire provided valuable feedback on the manuscript. Park SE A more diverse portfolio of research that addresses sociopolitical factors, especially gender inequities, is needed to identify actions that can enhance food system resilience. Resilience has emerged as a unifying concept in a number of disciplines linked to the sustainability sciences (Curtin & Parker 2014).However, interest in resilience extends beyond ecology and natural resource management to fields such as international development, health, food security, community planning and disaster management (Xu, Marinova & Guo 2014). 2011). After discussing the definition of resilience as a concept, the authors move to discussing which quantitative methods can be helpful in defining a set of indicators to measure resilience. Cruse RM Herold M Bennett EM Source: Thomson Reuters Web of Science. Such a strategy could enhance the food self-sufficiency of a given region by closing yield gaps (West et al. BMC Medicine, Rethinking the global food crisis: The role of trade shocks, Rejoinder to the comment by Andrew Dorward and Ephraim Chirwa on Jayne, TS, D. Mather, N. Mason, and J. Ricker-Gilbert. By integrating agricultural and social solutions, using community educational strategies, SFHC was able to address underlying issues that hindered the effectiveness of the agroecological system. Conduct a food system resilience assessment: More research is needed to identify the unique vulnerabilities of food systems in every city and to identify the appropriate short- and long-term solutions. Centre for Research on the … Although the total quantity of food produced in the city is relatively low, increased vegetable consumption and social networks have been strengthened, and support for urban agricultural programs has increased substantially (FAO 2014). The important thing is not to stop at the first two, because until we get to transformation, we’ll always be dealing with symptoms, without ever solving the underlying problems. Prevention and Risk Reduction: We assist countries to identify, design and implement prevention and mitigation measures. credibly measure resilience, decision makers will not be able to make informed choices about which resilience interventions are most effective . For example, DDS and women's groups have established community grain bins to buffer against production disruptions, improve distribution systems, and target accessibility for the poorest members (Agarwal 2010). Despite increases in global crop production, the number of undernourished people in the least developed countries has not declined (figure 1b); food-price volatility persists and is consistently higher in least-developed than in developed countries (figure 1c). Your browser either doesn't support Javascript or you have it turned off. Lupafya E Cramer W Addressing this vulnerability requires the integration of food production and consumption sectors. All rights reserved. There is a large body of work demonstrating that improving gender equity and women's access to education has cascading benefits for family nutrition and child development. One such example is in Curitiba, Brazil, a city where some districts flood each year. Policies and programs targeting disadvantaged populations, such as the urban poor and smallholder populations, can be more cost effective than nontargeted approaches in achieving measurable human well-being outcomes (Carrera et al. If these measures are not adopted, the hard earned, sluggishly released and insufficient emergency aid of 600 Brazilian Reals (around 100 euro) directed to people in a situation of greater economic vulnerability will be spent for the purchase of food of very low quality. Abson DJ Recent studies support the links among crop diversity, the nutritional adequacy of diets, and human health (Jones et al. Smallholder producers and local consumers in many regions are vulnerable to disturbances such as extreme weather events, land grabs, and limited access to resources. Asia’s food chain resilience during Covid-19. From metaphor to measurement: Resilience of what to what? Third, resilience can be defined as the property of a well-being outcome. Scheffer M West PC, Migliore G For example, the global food crisis of 2007–2008 and US droughts in 2012 each contributed to grain price fluctuations (Headey 2011). We empirically illustrate this approach using a … Resilience measurement and analysis are critical for formulating evidence-based policy, programmes and investments for food security. This vulnerability is currently moderated in wealthy economies through governmental policies and market mechanisms, although many people in more wealthy countries still experience food insecurity. Diversification can mitigate vulnerability to variability (e.g., in climate, resource availability, or markets) and increase resilience in systems ranging from financial systems to natural ecosystems (Folke et al. The European Semester and the Recovery and Resilience Facility are intrinsically linked. For example, increased biodiversity in space and time has benefits for nutrient retention or recycling and builds soil organic matter reservoirs (Drinkwater and Snapp 2007, Kremen and Miles 2012), with benefits for resilience to drought and fertilizer dependency (Gardner and Drinkwater 2009). The vertical integration of production, marketing, and distribution systems has contributed to an increasingly homogenous, calorie-rich, and land-intensive global diet (Cassidy et al. These inequities arise from poverty and distributional inefficiencies but also reflect systemic gender discrimination within male-dominated agricultural extension services and land inheritance. In contrast, shifts to a more adaptive governance systems that focus on public goods and integrate diverse stakeholder groups operating at multiple scales could inform national policies designed to support diversified production systems that provide for nutritious, culturally relevant diets and could potentially drive a major shift not only in human-health outcomes and the trajectory of consumptive demand but could also have cascading benefits for natural-resource use globally. climate change, rapid urbanization, population ageing), unexpected shocks (e.g. For instance, shifting from annual crops to perennial crops has the potential to substantially improve ecosystem functions. Unfortunately, little is known about interactions among food security, resilience… Brazil has made a large national investment (approximately 2% of national budget; FAO 2014) in reducing hunger through policies targeting food systems at multiple scales, including support for programs such as SMASAN in Belo Horizonte. This measure is termed “realized resilience” because it is a post-shock depiction of how households actually fared over the course of a shock. Centre for Research on the … Recent trends in (a) per-capita food availability (1990–2011), (b) the number of undernourished people (1990–2014), and (c) the domestic food price volatility index (2000–2014) for the world, developed, and least developed countries (UN Classification). Verchot L Key Concepts. The comparative cost-effectiveness of an equity-focused approach to child survival, health, and nutrition: A modelling approach, Redefining agricultural yields: From tonnes to people nourished per hectare, Horizontal inequalities and ethnonationalist civil war: A global comparison, Food security and biodiversity: Can we have both? Asia’s food chain resilience during Covid-19. Bendech MA SMASAN's strategies to strengthen rural–urban links focus on delivering high quality food to the urban poor through farmers markets, subsidized food vendors, a school meal program, and a food bank. These programs include requirements for sourcing food from regional producers and subsidies to reduce prices. The measure of resilience it employs aligns very closely with this definition. The scale’s development controlled for protective factors such as social support in order to get a reliable resilience measure (Smith, et al., 2008). Social justice and inequalities can influence the ability of actors within a system to self-organize through distribution of rights and access to resources (Chappell and LaValle 2011). Here are eight examples of actions cities can take to foster resilience. We propose regionalization as an important intermediary between local and globalized production. Thanks to half a century of experience, the World Food Programme (WFP) has acquired a comparative advantage in building resilience for food security and nutrition. It is related to personality but can be learned and improved over time. Patel R, Ponisio LC Some countries outsource land use abroad either indirectly or through foreign direct investment via large-scale land acquisitions, or land grabs. Sources of vulnerability operate at multiple time scales, including sudden shocks (e.g., catastrophic weather events), intermittent shocks (e.g., price volatility), and gradual pressures (e.g., climate change and shifting human diets). The concept of resilience has recently been introduced into food security literature. Different metrics are needed to assess the resilience and sustainability of food system components. Struik PC, Loos J West PC FAO’s index is constructed based on indicators of resilience capacity and food security that are combined using the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model.4The third measure, “realized resilience”, is a measure of resilience itself founded on tracking households’ food … This is the third and final resilience measure noted by Windle et al. Almost one billion people were fundamentally dependent on imports to meet their basic dietary needs because of resource constraints or shortfalls in production circa 2000 (Fader et al. Increasing the use of ecological processes—in place of chemical-based inputs—has repeatedly been promoted as a strategy for sustainably feeding the growing global population (Godfray and Garnett 2014, Ponisio et al. The case study focused on rural, smallholder producers in Malawi shows links among equity, human health, and nutrition in smallholder production systems (box 3). …measures that strengthen an ecosystem’s ecological resilience (i.e., an ecosystem’s ability to maintain its normal patterns of nutrient cycling and biomass production), combined with measures that emphasize prevention and mitigation, have been used. Simplified systems with low genetic and taxonomic diversity are also vulnerable to pest and disease outbreaks as evidenced by the rapid rise of herbicide resistant crops over the past 40 years due to singular reliance on herbicides in pest management (Mortensen et al. ... the Executive Director of Food Industry Asia, describes measures that are needed to keep food chains working and promote their resilience. 2015). Ryan MR Helmers MJ Blössner M Linking food system research with social movements focused on reducing poverty and injustice could help build partnerships needed to target successful strategies, fostering more just, sustainable, and resilient food systems. Building on recent work on the theory and measurement of development resilience, we then propose an empirical strategy to measure food security that addresses these measurement axioms better than do prevailing measures. An example is UNDP’s Community Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA): CoBRA uses a Household Economy Approach (HEA) to serve as a meta-indicator; a survival threshold represents the total income required to cover the costs of food, food preparation and water, and a livelihoods protection This page is having a slideshow that uses Javascript. Fetzer I nical Consortium in late summer/fall 2013. 2014). Despite economic and agricultural productivity growth, India continues to experience severe malnutrition. Source: FAOSTAT Database. Belo Horizonte is a city of approximately 2.5 million people located in southeastern Brazil. 4 interventions or measures essential to drive climate resilience efforts and investments by all actors includes: Climate risk and vulnerability assessments, disclosure and monitoring Early warning systems and early action Preparedness: contingency plans/emergency response Climate risk governance and capacity-building Nature-based solutions used to reduce risks across sectors Introduction. 2012). Ramirez-Villegas J These national policies and programs allow for locally tailored solutions and facilitate access to national and global food markets in addition to the focus on local and regional supplies. We would like to thank Ricardo Salvador, David Tilman, and Jonathan Foley for their contributions to the Ignite Session at the Ecological Society of America meeting that inspired this manuscript. Carlisle R, Elser JJ For permissions, please e-mail: Evolutionary History Drives Biogeographic Patterns of Coral Reef Resilience, Extinction Targets Are Not SMART (Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, and Time Bound), Vulnerability in accessibility: Gender and other inequities, Strategy for fostering accessibility: Equal access to capital and productive resources, Production system vulnerability: Intensification and homogenization, Production system strategy: Fostering resilience through agroecology, Distribution system vulnerability: The double-edged sword of globalization, Distribution system strategy: Fostering resilience through regionalization, Consumption system vulnerability: Homogenization of energy-dense diets, Consumption system strategy: Linking agricultural production to human health goals, Charting a path toward more resilient food systems, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Government investment (2% of city budget), ≈ vulnerability to global price volatility, Copyright © 2020 American Institute of Biological Sciences. M. Schipanski and G. MacDonald shared leadership in writing the manuscript. Past research has explored why food environments develop in certain ways, with a specific focus on equitable access to healthy and affordable options. The result has been a network of thousands of farmers who have improved soil fertility, community cooperation, reduced dependence on external inputs, and reduced child malnutrition (Bezner Kerr et al. Most new cropland expansion globally can be attributed to the production of crops for foreign exports (Kastner et al. GFS further defines adaptationas “making changes in the system in order to deliver required outcomes” (13). Compared with a decade ago, 75% fewer children are hospitalized for malnutrition, and 25% fewer people live in poverty as a result of programs that use 2% of the city's annual budget (Rocha and Lessa 2009). Building Food Resilience Agriculture has been able to adapt to recent changes in climate; however, increased innovation will be needed to ensure the rate of adaptation of agriculture and the associated socioeconomic system can keep pace with climate change over the next 25 years. Measuring Resilience: A Concept Note on the Resilience Tool Food Security Information for Decision Making Concept Note 4 By pinpointing the specific factors which make household resilient, the framework gives decision makers clear indications of where to intervene. Food supply chain resilience is defined by Global Food Security (GFS) as “the system’s capacity to maintain a desired state of food security when exposed to stresses and shocks” (13). Applying resilience thinking to agriculture could help reduce food system vulnerabilities. For example, the Food Self-Reliance Assessment model developed by our partners at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia allocates land with the goal to maximize sustainable bioregional food production iv. Develop neighborhood food resilience plans: Planning should be prioritized for neighborhoods where food access would be disproportionately impacted by a natural disaster. (D’Errico and Smith 2020). Despite positive correlations between urbanization and global individual income growth, urban centers tend to have similar or higher rates of poverty, income inequality, and food insecurity as rural areas (Satterthwaite et al. Increased heat and drought stress livestock and foraging lands which can cause a large amount of economic loss in rural areas. This could include the names and location of the farms that grew the raw ingredients; full disclosure of GMO, antibiotics or hormone use; descriptions of soil and water stewardship practices, and the ratios of fossil Btus consumed and greenhouse gases generated per calorie of food energy produced. For example, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has recently advocated building resilient food systems in various contexts (FAO, 2013, Choptiany et al., 2014); the International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) dedicated a conference to “building resilience for food and nutrition security”, which focused on the links between resilience, food security, … Carpenter SR Publications between 1990–2015 on the topic of “food security” or “food system∗” and those that also included topics of “gender or ∗equity or ∗justice” in the title, abstract, or keywords as (a) the number of records annually and the percentage of the total that included gender, equity, or justice (inset) and (b) the sum of all records by disciplinary category and the percentage within each category that included gender, equity, or justice. Parkins J However, some of the wedges may interact with one another and they should be viewed as integrated. Carpenter S Sustainability measurements might include: CO2e per unit of food produced, Btu fossil energy per unit of food produced, annual soil erosion rate, nutrient fluxes, and average net profit per unit of land over many years. 2010). For example, measures of soil heath like compaction and organic matter content affect the ability of land to withstand short-term drought and flooding, and they affect long-term energy consumption (in the form of fertilizers, tillage, irrigation) and thus farm costs and profitability. Cornell SE These include multiple processes of global change (e.g. Where this is the ... the ability and methods to measure resilience are contested. Extensive public and private investment in agricultural research and development has focused on increasing yields of key commodity crops in response to predicted increases in energy-dense diets as well as market dynamics and industry consolidation (Fuglie et al. Here, we developed a vision for resilient food systems that includes the production of a diversity of culturally appropriate food items using agroecological principles that reduce reliance on external inputs rather than the overproduction of crops primarily for livestock feed, using energy and resource-intensive practices. 6 RESILIENCE OF GLOBAL FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS A supply chain’s ability to deliver a customer the right product, of the right quality, in the right place, at the right time, for the right price, is the bedrock of supply chain managers around the world. SMASAN also supports urban agriculture programs to supplement local fruit and vegetable supplies. Brock WA, Ensor JE Linking urban consumers with regional rural producers stabilized rural household incomes and slowed rural to urban migration while improving food availability within the city (Rocha and Lessa 2009). Achadi E The physical separation of production and consumption activities has also displaced environmental impacts of production to exporting countries. Ricker-Gilbert J Past research has explored why food environments develop in certain ways, with a specific focus on equitable access to healthy and affordable options. 1. Holling C, Fuglie K Hoddy ET Timeline. 2012). Zhou X Otherwise the situation will soon be uncontrollable. Shumba RL Putting meaning back into “sustainable intensification. Legume crops helped improve soil fertility, increased maize yields in rotation, increased soil cover and also became an important dietary component for farm families (Snapp et al. Resilient systems incorporate internal feedback mechanisms, maintain redundancy, and promote responsive governance and diversification at almost all levels (Cabell and Oelofse 2012). The nature of food imports also varies, often dominated by imports of livestock feeds and, in some cases, increased supplies of less healthy, more processed foods. Accessibility: Accessibility is often defined as the physical and economic ability to acquire food. 2013. 2013). Omwega AM Many of these municipal programs influenced, and were subsequently nested within Brazil's national food security program called the Zero Hunger Strategy. 1. Dakishoni L For example, the Food and Agriculture Organi-zation (FAO) of the United Nations has recently advocated building. Resilience is the ability to harvest, process, store and distribute food for a limited period of time when the electrical grid goes down or when fossil fuel supplies are interrupted, while sustainability is the ability to meet the food system’s energy needs from local, renewable, affordable energy sources. Vermont's once-vibrant dining scene faces a bleak winter. Although initially a small-scale effort, the DDS illustrates how empowerment of vulnerable populations can promote well-being and more equitable food systems at larger scales, particularly when connected to existing larger-scale women's initiatives. Shocks or stressors operating at different scales wedges may interact with one another and they should viewed. Different scales to what little more, and demonstrates of city’s willingness to embrace innovation culture shocks e.g... Undermine potential improvements in well-being from India 's growing economy will not be able to informed. Climate-Resilient cities also reflect systemic gender discrimination within male-dominated agricultural extension services and land inheritance resilience measure noted Windle! Environmental impacts of production and rural development health crises related to food safety and agriculture and to. Heat and drought stress livestock and foraging lands which can cause a large amount economic... 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